Using Tabbed Browser

Utils/TabbedBrowser is a module that provides tabbed interface four our module. 'Tabbed' like in modern internet browsers.


To create instance of the module, like for every module in epesi, we type:

$tabbed_browser = & $this->init_module('Utils/TabbedBrowser');

To display its content:



Inline tabs

Method syntax

$tabbed_browser = & $this->init_module('Utils/TabbedBrowser');
$tabbed_browser->start_tab( <tab name> );
    [tab's content]


$tabbed_browser = & $this->init_module('Utils/TabbedBrowser');
$tabbed_browser->start_tab( 'Tab One' );
    print 'Some data for tab one.';
$tabbed_browser->start_tab( 'Tab Two' );
    print 'Some data for tab two.';
$tabbed_browser->start_tab( 'Tab Three' );
    $i = 12;
    print 'And a variable for tab three: ' . $i;

This code displays three tabs. Their content is determined by what you place between _starttab and _endtab methods.

Callback tabs

Method syntax

$tabbed_browser = & $this->init_module('Utils/TabbedBrowser');
$tabbed_browser->set_tab( <tab name>, <callback function> );


$tabbed_browser = & $this->init_module('Utils/TabbedBrowser');
$tabbed_browser->set_tab( 'Tab One', array($this, 'function_1') );
$tabbed_browser->set_tab( 'Tab Two', array($this, 'function_2') );
$tabbed_browser->set_tab( 'Tab Three', array($this, 'function_3') );
  • First parameter is name for a tab.

  • Second parameter tells, what function should be called, when tab is activated. Structure of second parameter may by a little confusing, so let's detail its structure.

    • First element is class, where the called method is located. In this case, it's the same module, where _$tabbedbrowser is located.

    • Second element is name of the method to be called. The method has to be present in module named by first element and has to have public access -- otherwise it will not be shown.

The above code will create two tabs ('Tab One' will be show by default). Content of this tab is whatever function _function1 prints. Respectively, 'Tab Two' and 'Tab Three', when activated, display what _function2 and _function3 print.

More functionality

Utils/TabbedBrowser ofer a few methods to simplify its usage. Those include:

  • set_default_tab() -- lets you specify, which tab should be displayd by default.

  • switch_tab() -- switches dislayd tabs from within php file.

    Note: When you use this method, remember to add [tabbed browser instance]->tag() method in each tab.