Softaculous Autoinstaller is the preferred method of setting up and managing Epesi BIM
If you rent a server via a hosting company then most likely you have access to one of the following Web Hosting Control Panels:
... which most likely includes also Softaculous Autoinstaller and you can s
This is the way we at Epesi DevOps install and manage many Epesi instances for ourselves and for our clients at our - our own Platform as a Service (PaaS) for PHP developers and enthusiasts, which powers aslo our Epesi CRM SaaS Edition.
Our DevOps rely mostly on alternative cloud providers and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solutions, or widely available off-the-shelf commercial software, like cPanel, DirectAdmin or Softaculous, which provide a lot of automation for server administrators via a simple, easy to use control panel for your private cloud.
... all of which help greatly with the setup and easy maintenance of not only Epesi BIM, but also many other great open source LAMP applications included with Softaculous.
Here is a link to the video showing the entire process.
If your setup is different and you don't have access to Softaculous Autoinstaller, then proceed to the next section describing different manual methods of setting up Epesi Business Information Manager.